Representações e Comércio de Brindes, Lda.

Clenport is a company located in the Industrial Area of Farrapa, Chave, Arouca, PORTUGAL and is dedicated to the production of vending machines.
Operating since 1993 in the manufacture of these machines, and with over 250,000 unities sold worldwide, we can say our company meets all the conditions to satisfy the most exigent customers.
It was only possible to achieve these numbers due to heavy investment in quality and product innovation, guaranteeing the highest reliability of these, and consequently the maximum customer satisfaction, we offer 2 years warranty.
The machines we manufacture are products of our creativity and we have several patents.
In early 2014 we started a new activity dedicated to the manufacture of 3D printers and rapid prototyping.
We can say briefly that the main concern of Clenport from the date of its foundation has always been updating their products and ensure the highest quality, obtaining the maximum satisfaction of all customers.